
Top 5 acupuncture websites

Top 5 acupuncture websites

I have many patients ask where to go online for more detailed information about how acupuncture works and for some further details on what is actually going on when acupuncturists choose points. Here are my top 5 acupuncture website picks for more information on the huge topic of acupuncture.

  1. – This website is a great resource for finding practitioners across the country, but I especially like their informational resources for the public to research how specific conditions are treated and other more specific information on acupuncture.  There are also some great articles on herbal medicine.
  2.– This patient resources section of the American Association of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine website lists a variety of links and other information, including links to current research studies being conducted by the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
  3.– Another resource for a basic introduction to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as detailed information on acupuncture terms, including many articles on treatment of specific conditions and a comprehensive list of links to state organizations and information regarding acupuncture.
  4.– ITM, based in Protland, Oregon,  was founded by and is directed by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D.Here is an informative article, written by him, describing acupuncture and its effects on the body described in both the traditional Chinese medicine terms and from the modern Western medical approach.
  5. – This site lists studies and other information related to acupuncture treatment and its efficacy.  This tends to take a populist approach, but can be helpful in searching for specific information on what acupuncture can treat, through recent studies and many celebrity quotes.

This list may be helpful for further information, but please contact KCA directly or stop in or schedule a treatment to learn more about how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may help you!




Patient Fusion patient reviews

Well, I’ve been trying to keep up with a lot of things, and one that’s been put on the wayside for a while is updating patient testimonials.

Here is a link to the Patient Fusion review page for both the Kingfield Community Acupuncture and Natural Health & Fertility Center patient experiences. This page is constantly updated with reviews as patients respond to the treatments they receive.

Click image for Patient Fusion patient review page

Patient Fusion review page

My hope is that anyone interested in experiencing acupuncture in either setting might find the reviews helpful!

As always, feel free to contact me at the contact information on this website for further information.

Best wishes to you!


Happy Year of the Sheep/Goat!

SheepAndGoat 2015B
Beautiful art by Eileen Connor, LAc


Hello, and Happy Year of the Sheep/Goat!  Now that we’re fully into this new year, I wanted to wish everyone a happy spring!

For those of you interested in more information on Chinese astrology, click this link to find out how this new year is predicted to shape up for you. I think it’s fun to see how these predictions are arrived at!



No KCA 2-20 due to sickness

Sorry to have to close KCA again, but now I am sick with the stomach flu! I’ve been taking care of everyone else in my family up to now, so I guess it’s my turn! Yucky!

So sorry to everyone who was planning on coming in…

KCA should be back up and running next Tuesday and Friday at the regularly scheduled times.

Have a great weekend!



KCA open tonight!

KCA will be open tonight from 5:30-8:30pm as usual.  It seems like the snow hasn’t been as bad as predicted (at least up to the time of this post!!!)

Of course, if conditions deteriorate, I wouldn’t want anyone to venture out- as it looks now, though, it shouldn’t be bad at all!

Have a great afternoon, and maybe see you tonight!



New KCA schedule starts tonight!

I hope you’re all enjoying the snowfall this afternoon and maybe enjoyed the luminary loppet over the previous weekend!




My son Henry had a blast participating in the Minne-loppet with his friend Ben!

Just a quick reminder to everyone that the new Tuesday evening schedule starts tonight, Tuesday February 3, from 5:30-8:30pm.

Hope to see you soon!



New KCA schedule starting February 3, 2015

KCA schedule changes are happening!

Thank you to everyone for your input on the new KCA schedule using the Facebook survey I posted a while back!

Evening acupuncture sessions will change to Tuesday evenings, starting next Tuesday, February 3, from 5:30-8:30pm.

Sessions will still be in the Gathering space, as usual.

Please spread the word to family and friends about the new day and time!

Best wishes for your health and happiness!


WebMD article on acupuncture and fertility

Here’s a helpful article I ran into online. I hope it helps someone decide if TCM is a useful approach to help support their natural conception or IVF/assisted reproduction technique process!


No KCA January 16th due to illness

 Due to a sick child, there will be no KCA Friday, January 16th.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Come on in next Friday!

Enjoy the balmy weekend!



KCA sessions in January

January KCA schedule


During the month of January: KCA will be on Wednesdays and Fridays, as previously scheduled.

Starting in February: evening KCA sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 5:30-8:30 pm. I will send out another update to confirm the actual start date of this schedule.

Thanks, and I hope you’re staying warm!